Last updated on November 7th, 2023 at 04:41 pm
Did you know the 12 days of Christmas actually begins on Christmas Day? Yep, and it ends on January 5th. I didn’t know that growing up. I didn’t know too much about the 12 Days of Christmas, except for the catchy tune we all know and love. The 12 Days of Christmas is actually a Christian religious celebration that’s based around the Nativity of Jesus. Whether you love the 12 days of Christmas for religious purposes or simply because it’s a fun and classic Christmas song, use the 12 Days of Christmas Printable to celebrate the Christmas season.
A bit about the 12 Days of Christmas Printables (on my end)
I worked on this printable for about 2 weeks on and off. The multiple page printables are always a challenge since they usually contain more detail, are more complex, and just more time consuming all around. A lot of these pages were on the difficult side, since how often do you need to visually represent maids a milking, lords a leaping or french hens (my favorite printable, by the way)? I had a lot of fun with the pen tool with maids a milking!
I decided to make all the days include animals as well. So my twelve drummers drumming are monkeys drumming. The nine ladies dancing are actually little foxes. I thought it be an additional layer of fun for the kids. Who doesn’t like to color small cute animals?
I also thought it would be extra special to make this printable. coloring pages.. Each day, your children or students can color one page, hang it up or turn it into a 12 Days of Christmas Book.
I hope you enjoy this printable! I was going to make it a paid/shop printable because of the time it took and the uniqueness factor, but I decided against it, and decided to just spread the free love on this one.
What is the 12 days of Christmas?
The 12 days of Christmas is also know as Twelvetide. It’s a Christian religious celebration that’s based around the Nativity of Jesus. The twelve days are supposed to signify how long it took the Three Wise Men to travel to Bethlehem for the Epiphany (the day Magi visited baby Jesus after he was born). Each of the gifts symbolizes a different piece of the Christian religion.
Some people celebrate the 12 days of Christmas by opening their Christmas gifts throughout the 12 days of Christmas.
But whether you celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas by singing that catchy tune or by honoring the religious piece of the song, everyone can agree it marks the holiday season.
Sing the 12 days of Christmas a Christmas Carol
Take a walk around the neighborhood and sing this Christmas classic to family and friends. A fun song that always gets people singing a long! Print out a few 12 days of Christmas coloring pages to hand out to the kids.
What’s included in this free Twelve Days of Christmas download?
Format: Pages are 8.5″x11″. What that means is it will print perfectly on a letter size piece of paper. The printables are meant to be printed vertically.
The file downloaded are PDF files (12 pages) and all PDFs are in 300 resolution (no grainy pixels here!)
Below is what is included in your free download. Please see toward the bottom of the page for actual download instructions. If you attempt to save the teeny tiny images below, they will not print out well. To get the free printable in high resolution, fill out the form toward the bottom of the page and let the Christmas fun begin!
Twelfth Day of Christmas: Twelve Drummers Drumming
Eleventh Day of Christmas: Eleven Pipers Piping
Tenth day of Christmas: Ten Lords a-Leaping
Ninth day of Christmas: Nine Ladies Dancing
Eighth day of Christmas: Eight Maids a-Milking
Seventh day of Christmas: Seven Swans a-Swimming
Sixth day of Christmas: Six Geese a-laying
Fifth day of Christmas: Five Golden Rings
Fourth day of Christmas: Four Calling Birds
Third day of Christmas: Three French Hens
Second day of Christmas: Two Turtle Doves
First day of Christmas: A Partridge in a Pear Tree
What supplies will you need for the 12 Days of Christmas Printable?
Not much! Some regular printer paper (letter size) to print it. Then grab some crayons, markers or colored pencils! Really, that’s it! It’s up to you if you want to get a bit fancier.
If you want to make these coloring pages last a bit longer, print on cardstock or a thicker paper.
Check out our supply list for any ideas:
Need some craft supplies?
Amazon has always been my go-to for most of my office and craft supplies. If you print a lot of printables and spend time coloring, gluing and adding some extra jazz to them, our list of supplies can help!
I’ve split the list up into a basic list and a fancier list if you’re going to put a little more pizazz into your printables.
The basic list:
- White paper
- White cardstock
- Scissors (for adults)
- Scissors (for kids)
- Liquid Glue
- Glue stick
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Fine-point Dry Erase Markers
- Scotch tape
- Double-sided tape
- Laminator
- Laminate Self-sealing Pouches (no machine needed)
- Velcro dots
- Hole Puncher
- Craft String
- Ribbon
- Ornament Hooks
The fancier list:
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Get the word out: If you liked this printable and want to give us a little thanks please pin us on Pinterest. We love Pinterest pinning!
Are you looking for more free Christmas printables?
Build a Santa, Elf, or Reindeer with our free paper craft Christmas printables. Easy and fun Christmas crafts for kids aged Pre-K thru third or fourth grade.
Our most popular Christmas printable:
Download the 12 Days of Chistmas
Grab the free 12 Days of Christmas coloring sheets and celebrate this meaninful time of year.
Get the 12 Days of ChristmasPrintables from are copyright protected and for personal use and classroom use only. Mrs. Merry printables are not for commercial use. Thanks and have a very merry day!
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