Last updated on December 1st, 2023 at 06:35 pm

if i were president worksheet questionnaire mrs. merry

Have fun pretending to be President for the day! Our “If I Were President” Worksheet is great writing prompt printable for Election Day, Presidents’ Day, or simply as a Social Studies lesson.

I have fun creating these questionnaire style worksheets! Children always have the most adorable, thought provoking and sometimes hilarious answers!

This one works perfectly in the classroom to honor, celebrate and learn about the Presidents of the Untied States.

Use in the classroom or homeschool as a Presidents’ Day or Elections Day resource

Looking for a great activity to celebrate Presidents’ Day? Our fun “If I Were President” Worksheet is a thought-provoking activity for both younger and older kids. Kindergarten, first grade and second grade students would all enjoy the writing prompts.

What would you do if you became President of the United States for the day?

The “If I Were President” Worksheet is a great discussion starter. The writing prompts motivate children to think about and discuss what they want to accomplish if they were President. It also gets students to think outside their boxes. Even though it may be an exciting (and pretty cool) profession, a job like being President has it’s hard moments as well.

Discuss those hard moments. Have the whole class elaborate on both the hard and favorite moments..Ask for specifics and why they think their choices and decisions would be beneficial (or not).

What is included in the If I Were President Worksheet:

This free Presidents printable includes 1 page formatted to print perfectly on 8.5″x11″ paper.

if i were president worksheet writing prompt

Side note: The image in the list below is a small, low-resolution file that will not look good if printed. To get the full high-resolution (pixel perfect!) version of the “If I Were President” Worksheet, subscribe to my email list by filling out the form on the bottom of the page and receive the Presidents’ Day printable worksheet instantly!

The “If I Were President” Worksheet contains the following prompts:

  • If I were President, the first thing I’d do is______________________________________________.
  • My Vice President would be_________________________________________________________.
  • I would spend my days ____________________________________________________________.
  • I would make the country better by____________________________________________________.
  • The best part of being President would be_______________________________________________.
  • The hardest part of being President would be ____________________________________________.

Draw themselves as President of the United States

The President worksheet also includes a portrait section for children to draw what they think they would look like as President of the United States. Are they wearing a suit? A dress? Red, white and blue colors? Persuade detail and creativity!

president day portrait for kids

Our free “If I Were President” Worksheet is a simple way to incorporate President’s Day or the Presidential elections into your day! Grab your free printable now and honor the many Presidents that have served the United States of America. This fun activity will surely be a classroom favorite.

Pin the “If I Were President” Worksheet, please.

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free printable presidents' day printable worksheet

Need some craft supplies?

Amazon has always been my go-to for most of my office and craft supplies. If you print a lot of printables and spend  time coloring, gluing and adding some extra jazz to them, our list of supplies can help!

I’ve split the list up into a basic list and a fancier list if you’re going to put a little more pizazz into your printables.

Other President Printables

Grab some Pretend Play Money and practice counting with the past Presidents!

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The Black History Month Coloring Pages features past President Barack Obama. Grab a Obama Coloring Page and celebrate the U.S. Presidents.

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Download the If I Were President Worksheet

Ready to grab the free President Worksheet? Print and use it as part of a President's Day lesson plan.

Get the If I Were President Worksheet

Printables from are copyright protected and for personal use and classroom use only. Mrs. Merry printables are not for commercial use. Thanks and have a very merry day!

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